Extra Support

support grey scale
Robertson, J. (2006). Sea otters holding hands [Creative Commons Image]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/16046854@N00/316194679
Activity One:

Meta-structure: This is a structure that describes or represents another structure. In this instance we are describing the structure of the text presented in Anne’s diary. We are doing this both visually through the A4 drawing and with text. This will support our analysis of the text structure.

Text structure: The five main types of text structure are

text strucutre

What are we concerned with at the moment?



Activity Four:


This means to provide an example that is typical of Anna’s style. Think about how she uses language. Go back to power point two discussion regarding vocabulary choices and the power point three discussion about her type of voice.


  • Laptops for audio visual recording – please export to a USB as an .mp4 or .wmv
  • Voice recorders – download to your laptop and export to a USB in WMA format
  • Vocaroo – see below

Using Vocaroo does give you a digital platform, just bear in mind you may lose something with the monotone delivery.
